SDS Physician Directory

The Shwachman Diamond Syndrome Foundation maintains an SDS Physician Directory, which contains a directory of physicians who currently follow SDS patients. Physicians who are knowledgeable of SDS are oftentimes requested from the SDS community and we thank you for your participation to help us compile this list of physicians.SDS Physician Directory

Help us Build the SDS Physician Directory

All SDS families are encouraged to complete the SDS Physician Directory form as a way to gather a list of doctors who see SDS patients and are therefore knowledgeable of SDS. The information below will be asked of each SDS patient/family filling out the form, which may take you 10-15 minutes to complete. Please review this list and gather contact information for EACH physician PRIOR to starting the form.

  • SDS Patient Information
    • Name, DOB, Gender, Address, Race, Diagnosis, Transplant Info, etc.
      • SDS Patient information provided will never be given out
  • Physicians’ Names and Contact Info
    • Doctor Name, Associated Hospital, Address (City, State, Zip), Phone Number, Email, Nurse’s Contact
      • List of doctors (if applicable): Primary Care Physician, Hematology Gastroenterology (GI), Genetics, Immunology, Cardiology, Neurology, Orthopedic, Psychology, Dental, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Other

There is not a “save” feature in this form, so please be sure to complete form in one sitting. Be sure to submit the form and verify that you have completed the form by reaching the confirmation page that says, “Form Complete.” This form may take you 10-20 minutes to complete. 

We appreciate your time in submitting this valuable information that can be used to other SDS families to find knowledgeable doctors.

Interested in Finding an SDS Physician?

Are you looking for a physician who sees other SDS patients? Are you changing doctors or relocating and would like to find a physician knowledgeable in SDS? Contact [email protected] to ask if we have any SDS physicians on our SDS Physician Directory that are in your area.


Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Registry
Global Genese Rare Foundation Alliance
Genetic Alliance
NORD 2021 Platinum Member
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